

To read,


Search Engines, crawlers etc

Am a software engineer and I must accept how much google – the search engine helps me earn my daily bread. So ain’t it high time I learnt the basics of search engines?

Here I am sharing the links that I went through. Will keep updating

How do search engines work?

build a basic web crawler

Heard of TOR – The Onion Router?,news-17754.html

Also, came across Acxiom,review-1894.html



Make IT live simpler

1. Accept mediocrity in u

2. better to appear foolish during the initial stages than later; clarify then and there; if u hesitate thinking it would be embarrassing to ask, there could be more embarrassment awaiting.

3. Deserve your pay – bring value

4. keep personal talks and friendships minimal; think your team members mean nothing to you, so that you don’t care being judged.

5. keep upgrading yourself and accept not everyone knows everything

6. work will never be over; if u feel u have done justice, maintain discipled work hours; have a life outside work

7. understand the uncertain nature of the industry, don’t be surprised if u lose job all of a sudden ; have backup plans; dont panic.

8. stop blaming situations; whatever you are, its because of just you.

From windows to Mac

watch out this space for these Issues

1. Right click

2.Home drive

3.No home no end

4. single tap to click

5.word processor for mac

6.i miss you beloved backspace

7.To hell with these .DS_StoreFiles .DS_Store (short for Desktop Services Store)[1] is a hidden file with a proprietary format created by OS X to store custom attributes of a folder such as the position oficons or the choice of a background image.[2] Although these files were primarily used by the Finder, they were envisioned as a more general-purpose store of metadata about the display options of folders such as icon positions and view settings.[1] For example, on Mac OS X 10.4 “Tiger” and later, .DS_Store files contain the Spotlight comments of all the folder’s files. (These comments are stored in the extended file attributes as well,[3] but Finder does not read those.) By default, Finder creates a .DS_Store file in every folder that it accesses, even folders on remote systems (for example, folders shared over an SMB or AFPconnection).[4] .DS_Store files impose additional burden on revision control process: They are prone to changes and therefore appear in commits unless specifically excluded.[7] Another common issue is that .DS_Store files are included in archives (such as ZIP) created by OS X users, along with other hidden files and directories. This can potentially cause problems when the archive structure is important. .DS_Store files have been known to adversely affect the copying of data.[8] Since these files are created by default (even in empty directories), the file may halt the transfer long after much of the data has been copied. This can be solved either by entering a terminal command to force-copy (i.e. ditto)[9] or showing hidden files and deleting the .DS_Store from either the source or the destination. How to get rid of them? This post enlists various ways to get around this problem. I am going with Asepsis

8.Can u please reveal in finder? Say you are trying to save a file, inside a folder called “MyPages” within the Documents area, but when you try to save, you can navigate to Documents area only and the MyPages doesnt shown up in the save dialog unless you go right click that folder and ask for it to be revealed in finder 9.How the hell do i browse a through my pictures open a picture, and then click the right arrow and be surprised mac doesn’t take u to the next pick. This is a way to do it. This might not be the ideal one. But lets use it for the time being and i will update this space if i come across something better Commad A, option+command+Y

9.View processes (ctrl+alt+delete in windows)

Box 3.4. Unix processes

On Unix-like systems such as Linux and OS X, user and system tasks each take place within a well-defined container called a process. To see all the processes on your system, you can use the ps command with the aux options:

  $ ps aux

To filter the processes by type, you can run the results of ps through the grep pattern-matcher using a Unix pipe |:

  $ ps aux | grep spring
  ubuntu 12241 0.3 0.5 589960 178416 ? Ssl Sep20 1:46
  spring app | sample_app | started 7 hours ago

The result shown gives some details about the process, but the most important thing is the first number, which is the process id, or pid. To eliminate an unwanted process, use thekill command to issue the Unix kill code (which happens to be 9) to the pid:

  $ kill -9 12241

This is the technique I recommend for killing individual processes, such as a rogue Rails server (with the pid found via ps aux | grep server), but sometimes it’s convenient to kill all the processes matching a particular process name, such as when you want to kill all the spring processes gunking up your system. In this particular case, you should first try stopping the processes with the spring command itself:

  $ spring stop

Sometimes this doesn’t work, though, and you can kill all the processes with name springusing the pkill command as follows:

  $ pkill -9 -f spring

Any time something isn’t behaving as expected or a process appears to be frozen, it’s a good idea to run ps aux to see what’s going on, and then run kill -9 <pid> or pkill -9 -f <name> to clear things up.

Exploring GitHub

I have been using TFS in my previous workplace and my new workplace uses GitHub. So this is how i got started with GitHub.

I first started with the following links to get introduced to git (which intorduces github to even non developers)

Then, I was told my company uses a gui instead of the git command line, tower.

So here is how I got started with tower

Also, this could be of help

Find an online ebook here

I am still not done with these videos. Will update once done.

Quick C#

I have been coding with C# without any proper beginner ‘getting started with’ stuff. I have been looking up things now and then and also have a list of things that I don’t know and have been wanting to look at.

I always keep procrastinating a formal learning of C#. I am planning to somehow accomplish the task today. Let me see whether I end up doing it.